Special Cases
Edge Cases
As technology keeps changing, edX has to adapt to stay as one of the top online education platforms. among many other effects, these adaptations will certainly impact the structure of the records in logfiles, which means that ELAT has to adapt for new types of records and changing structures. In this section we will show and describe the special cases that we encounter while processing edX log data.
Old video, New course
The first of many adaptations for ELAT! This was not necessarily a change on the data, but a situation that was not foreseen during development: some courses have many life cycles! This means that some course elements will have very similar ids, which can cause a mismatch when processing a course that has previous implementations.
Discovered and fixed 20/05/2019
Mobile Video Watching
This is the second special case that ELAT had to tackle, and it was caused by the introduction of the edX mobile app, which changed the structure of video related records compared to the browser video records.
Discovered and fixed 21/05/2019
Mobile records strike again
This is a weird one, and it appears once again in video records for the mobile edX app. Some records have a timestamp like they happened days before the current logfile, and that is not possible, since the logs only record events for one day.
Discovered and fixed 22/05/2019
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